Bachelor's Program Mathematik (2024)

Universität Bonn


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© Volker Lannert/Universität Bonn

The Bachelor's program in Mathematics is consecutively oriented and has a research-oriented profile. It leads to an initial professional qualification and has a standard duration of study of 6 semesters (3 years), starting in the winter semester in October. A start in the summer semester in April is only possible if transferable credits have already been earned. The language of instruction is German.

From the beginning of your studies, you benefit from the mathematical breadth at the University of Bonn. The unique composition of basic lectures provides a comprehensive foundational knowledge. In the further course of study, you can choose from a wide variety of specializations in pure and applied mathematics. A secondary subject and practical trainings in the Bachelor's program offer the opportunity to apply mathematical knowledge and methods.

The courses in the Bachelor's program Mathematik are offered in the form of modules (lectures, seminars, and practical trainings). Each module lasts one semester and is completed with an examination.

Study Areas of Bonn Mathematics

Bachelor's Program Mathematik (5)

© Hausdorff Center for Mathematics


Compulsory Lectures

The six compulsory lecture modules are typically completed in the first year of study. With the development of their respective specific contents, the three lectures in their combination create the basis for all mathematical theories and applications. The basic techniques of mathematical work are taught using analytical, algebraic and algorithmic methods.

Contents of the Compulsory Lectures

  • Analysis I and II: Starting from school mathematics, differential and integral calculus is systematically developed in one and multiple dimensions. Naturally, numerous new questions and areas such as differential equations, function spaces, or differential geometry emerge.

  • Lineare Algebra I and II: The concept of the vector is abstracted, and from this, an algebraic theory of general vector spaces is formally constructed. Linear mappings on vector spaces are classified, and vector and matrix calculus are developed.

  • Algorithmische Mathematik I and II: Discrete mathematics, numerical analysis, and probability theory are mathematical areas whose application relies on the use of algorithms and computers. The lecture provides an introduction to these areas and the associated algorithms, including programming.

Elective Lectures

Starting from the third semester, introductory and advanced lectures are on the agenda. Each belongs to one of the six mathematical study areas A-F. A total of at least six lectures are required, covering four areas. For orientation, in the 3rd semester, lectures in three different areas should be attended.

Area Coverage with Elective Lectures

From each of the 6 areas, usually one introductory (V2..) and at least one advanced lecture (V3..) are offered per semester.

For a successful completion of the degree, you must cover two areas, each with at least 18 CP, and two more with at least 9 CP from lecture modules. Therefore, you need to successfully complete two lectures from two areas and one lecture from two other areas among the six study areas.


Seminars deepen and complement the lectures. The study program requires at least one advanced seminar ("Hauptseminar"). In a seminar, each participant gives a presentation on a topic agreed upon with the lecturer beforehand. This presentation is graded as an examination performance. Seminars are intended to practice the discussion of mathematical topics, hence attendance is mandatory.

Introductory and Advanced Seminars

In each summer semester, several introductory seminars (S1G1) are offered. They are intended to provide an insight into the independent preparation and presentation of mathematical connections. The introductory seminars are part of the elective program.

The mandatory main seminar is usually completed in the 3rd or 4th semester. Often, it is from the area in which the bachelor thesis will be written. It is also possible to attend several (different) main seminars.

Practical Trainings

Furthermore, in the Bachelor's degree program, one of several possible practical training courses is required. The aim is to complement the theoretical and abstract study of mathematical material with practical tasks and applications, as well as to provide insight into the professional activities of mathematicians. A practical training is recommended for the 4th or 5th semester.

Choices for Practical Training Courses

You can choose from:

  1. A practical teaching course, where you lead a tutorial group for a lecture and then reflect on your didactic activities in a portfolio.
  2. An external internship, where you work on a task with a mathematical focus in a company of your choice.
  3. A practical lab in one of the areas:
    • Logic
    • Discrete Mathematics
    • Numerical Simulation.

Secondary Subject

A secondary subject is an integral part of the Bachelor's degree program Mathematik. The three standard secondary subjects are Physics, Computer Science and Economics. Other subjects may be possible on application. At least 24 credit points must be earned in the chosen subject. It is recommended to take a first introductory secondary subject lecture in the 2nd or 3rd semester.

Rules for the Secondary Subject

  • A secondary subject that differs from the three standard subjects mentioned above ("extraordinary") must be approved by the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics before you can take examinations in it.
  • In general, the rules of the teaching unit offering the module apply to all modules of your secondary subject, not those of mathematics! The registration deadlines and modalities for secondary subject modules therefore differ from subject to subject and from those of mathematics.

Further informatione under Secondary Subject, especially concerning the approval of extraordinary secondary subjects.

Bachelor's Thesis and Thesis Seminar

The degree program concludes with two compulsory modules, the Bachelor's thesis and the accompanying thesis seminar. With them you should demonstrate that you can apply scientific methods and present mathematical issues appropriately. The area of specialization for the Bachelor's thesis should ideally be chosen at the beginning of the 5th semester. The working time is 5 months.

Preparing for the Bachelor's Thesis

Usually, the Bachelor's thesis begins at the end of the 5th semester. To prepare for this, it is advisable to

  • attend (further) compulsory elective lectures in your chosen area of specialization,
  • complete a (second) "Hauptseminar" in your area of specialization,
  • contact a lecturer early enough to determine a topic for your thesis

In preparation for the Bachelor's thesis, a two-hour training on subject-specific literature research (in German) must be attended. This is a course requirement for the Bachelor's thesis seminar, which cannot be passed without this training.

Bachelor's Program Mathematik (6)

© Hausdorff Center for Mathematics

Compulsory Modules

The compulsive modules in the Bachelor's degree program Mathematik are

  • the six compulsory lecture course modules
  • the Bachelor's thesis and the thesis seminar.

Study Planning

Once you have passed the compulsory lectures, there are many options to choose from. Please note our information (in German) on

  • study planning from the 3rd semester.

Passing the Bachelor's Examination

The Bachelor's examination is passed as soon as the following requirements are met:

Credit Points (CP):

  • The six compulsory lectures are passed.

6 · 9 = 54 CP

  • Six lecture modules from areas A to F are passed, covering two different areas with two lectures each and two others with one lecture each.

6 · 9 = 54 CP

  • An advances seminar ('Hauptseminar') is passed.

6 CP

  • A practical training course is passed.

9 CP

  • An eligible secondary subject is passed.
    If more than 24 CP are earned, all excess CP count towards the elective area.

24 CP

  • The Bachelor's thesis and the accompanying seminar for the Bachelor's thesis are passed.

12 + 6 = 18 CP

  • Further modules from the elective area are passed. Up to 6 CP may be earned from modules of other degree programs at the University of Bonn that are not related to mathematics modules.

15 CP

  • A total of 180 credit points have been obtained.

180 CP

Examination Regulations and Module Handbook

The examination regulations contain all the legally binding regulations for your degree program. Please note the date of the examination regulations that apply to you.

The module handbook lists the modules that belong to or are permitted in your degree program. Here you will find information on the content of the modules, the admission requirements, the type and scope of the examinations and the credit points with which the module is assessed.

You can find expired examination regulations in our document archive.

Examination Regulations for the Bachelor's Degree Program Mathematik of September 13, 2017 (in German)

Amendment to the Examination Regulations for the Bachelor's Degree Program Mathematik of March 11, 2020 (in German)

Module Handbook of the Bachelor's Degree Program Mathematik

English Translation of the Module Names of the Bachelor's Degree Program Mathematik

Example Study Plans

The diagram shows a general study plan. The exact study plan depends on the choice of minor subject, the area of specialization, the internship and, of course, your personal motivation and aptitude. We have compiled some specific sample study plans with various parameters for you. Please note that the semester dates refer to the standard period of study. Other study plans according to individual requirements are possible, of course.

Bachelor's Program Mathematik (7)

© Bachelor-Master-Büro Mathematik/Universität Bonn

The line numbers indicate the consecutive semester count. There is no difference between the columns, but the colors have the following meanings:

  • Red = Compulsory lectures
  • Orange = Introductory lectures (Areas A to F)
  • Yellow = Advanced lectures (Areas A to F)
  • Light green / green = Seminars
  • Light gray = Practical training
  • Blue = Secondary subject
  • Dark gray = Bachelor's thesis

The numbers in square brackets represent the number of credit points (CP), and the numbers in parentheses represent the semester hours, i.e., the weekly attendance hours.

Bachelor's Program Mathematik (8)

© Volker Lannert/Universität Bonn

Entry into the Study Program

If you are interested in studying for a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics in Bonn, please note the information on how to apply!

Entry into the Bachelor' Program Mathematik

Getting Started

  • What do I need to consider when starting my studies?
  • What challenges can I expect at the beginning of the degree program?
  • What support options do I have for the study start?

Start of Studies

Getting Organized

  • How can I take part in a course?
  • How do I register for an exam?
  • Which important dates anddeadlines should I not miss?
  • What do I do if I am sick on the day of an exam?

Study Organization

Internships and Jobs

  • Where can I do an internship outside the university?
  • How can I prepare for starting a career?
  • Where can I come into contact with employers and find possible job opportunities?

Career Prospects

Contact Us

Bachelor's Program Mathematik (9)


Study Counseling and Examination Office of Mathematics

Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics

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Bachelor's Program Mathematik (2024)


Can you be a mathematician with a bachelor's degree? ›

Years of study are required to become a mathematician or statistician. Mathematicians and statisticians typically need at least a master's degree in mathematics or statistics. However, some positions are available to those with a bachelor's degree.

Am I smart enough to be a mathematician? ›

In order to make good and useful contributions to mathematics, one does need to work hard, learn one's field well, learn other fields and tools, ask questions, talk to other mathematicians, and think about the “big picture”. And yes, a reasonable amount of intelligence, patience, and maturity is also required.

Can I get a master's in math without a bachelor's in math? ›

What you'll need to start a graduate program in mathematics. An undergraduate degree – You don't specifically need an undergraduate degree in pure math to move on to a graduate program. People who get advanced degrees in math come from a variety of educational backgrounds, with one constant: a bachelor's.

Is a BA in mathematics worth it? ›

Employers frequently look for those with a mathematics background for their critical thinking skills. With a projected growth of 30% by 2032, which is faster than the average for other occupations, the overall employment outlook for mathematicians and statisticians is highly positive. Plus, mathematics is a fun major!

Do mathematicians get paid well? ›

Mathematicians made a median salary of $112,110 in 2022. The best-paid 25% made $140,070 that year, while the lowest-paid 25% made $82,110.

Is it hard to get a bachelor's degree in mathematics? ›

Mathematics has the reputation of being extremely hard and elitist. This has contributed to scaring people away from the start. As a mathematician and the Chair of the Mathematics Department, I can say in full honesty that learning mathematics requires work and dedication.

How much IQ do you need to be a mathematician? ›

US Employment Service data showed that the lowest IQ found among people listed as mathematicians was 115. The mean IQ for this group was 143. So, a person needs to be in the top 15% to make it at all and needs to be almost 3 SD above the mean to have an "average" mathematician IQ.

Can someone with low IQ be good at math? ›

Mathematical ability is just one aspect of intelligence, and it is possible for someone to have a high level of mathematical ability but an average or below average IQ score on a standardized IQ test.

Are mathematicians born or made? ›

Researchers have said that if one wants to be good at all types of math, they need to practice them all, and can't trust their innate natural talent to do most of the job for them. The researchers tested the math skills of 70 Norwegian fifth graders, aged 10.5 years on average.

What bachelor degree requires the least amount of math? ›

10 College Majors That Don't Require Math
  • English. ...
  • Graphic Design. ...
  • Culinary Arts. ...
  • Psychology. ...
  • History. ...
  • Education. ...
  • Business Administration. A business administration degree may also require some mathematics. ...
  • Social Work. Social work is the work of helping individuals and communities in need.

What degree requires the most math? ›

Some of the most popular math-related majors include:
  • Engineering – Engineers use math heavily on a constant basis, so pursuing this degree will certainly get you your fill. ...
  • Physics – Physics is regarded as the most math-intensive degree path you can pursue within the sciences.
Apr 9, 2021

Do math majors make good money? ›

What is the average salary for math majors? According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary for math occupations is $98,680 per year . Your specific salary may depend on factors like what industry you're working in and how much experience you have.

Is a math degree worth it in 2024? ›

Mathematics graduates find opportunities in engineering, technology, finance, and government, where their analytical skills are valued. The median yearly salary for mathematicians stands at $112,110.

Which degree is best for mathematics? ›

Best degree options for mathematics students
  • B. Tech in Computer Science:
  • Chartered Accountancy:
  • BSc in Data Science:
  • BSc in Mathematics and Computing:
  • BSc in Financial Mathematics:
  • Bachelor of Engineering in IT:
  • Top 10 careers for mathematics students.
  • Explore career-oriented online degrees on Online Manipal.
Mar 1, 2024

Is a BA less valuable than a BS? ›

A BA and a BS serve different purposes. Neither degree ranks as better than the other, but one might better suit specific career goals. For example, if you're interested in technical careers, you may need a BS for graduate school applications. In some majors, you may choose between a BA and a BS.

What qualifies you as a mathematician? ›

A graduate degree in mathematics is the most common educational requirement for mathematicians. However, there are positions for those whose highest level of education is a bachelor's degree.

Can you teach math with a Bachelor's degree? ›

At a minimum, math teachers must hold a bachelor's degree. However, there is flexibility in the type of undergraduate degree they can pursue. Prospective teachers who want to teach elementary mathematics should find and enroll in a college or university that offers an undergraduate degree in elementary education.

Am I a mathematician if I have a math degree? ›

in mathematics, then you have some third party conferring a credential / certification about your mathematical knowledge. You can call yourself a mathematician whenever you want.

Do you need a masters to be a mathematician? ›

To become a mathematician, complete extra math courses during your high school career and obtain a bachelor's degree in math or earn a master's degree, especially if you prefer to work in research, and complete an internship to gain real-world experience.

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