Peach Tree Varieties: 30 Types of Peaches for Home Gardeners (2024)

The type of peach selected can significantly affect an individual’s gardening journey when it comes to cultivating peaches.

It’s important to understand the features that define peach varieties and what makes each special and unique.

Peach Tree Defining Features

In the world of peach trees, many defining features can differentiate one variety of peach from another.

Stone Type

  • Clingstone: The flesh of these peach varieties clings to the stone. Clingstones are considered some of the juiciest, offering a sweet and juicy experience.
  • Freestone: This type of peach ensures that the stone easily separates from the peach flesh. Many consider the freestone peach as the perfect peach for those who dislike the fuss of dealing with the stone. Freestones are excellent for fresh eating and are superior for canning.
  • Semi-freestone: Blending the best of both worlds, semi-freestone peaches may have yellow or white flesh.

Flesh Color

The spectrum of peach flesh colors is a visual delight, ranging from the traditional golden-yellow to the alluring white peach varieties.

The hues of the flesh often correlate with the flavor profile.

Yellow-fleshed peaches typically have a classic, sweet taste, and white-fleshed peaches tend to be milder and sometimes possess delicate floral notes.


Peach trees come in various sizes, allowing you to choose the perfect fit for your garden space.

Understanding the different size categories—standard, dwarf, and semi-dwarf—can help you select a tree that suits your preferences and available area.

  • Standard peach trees are known for their robust growth, often reaching heights of 15 to 25 feet (4.5 to 7.5 meters). These tall trees make a striking addition to larger gardens and orchards, offering abundant fruit production and a grand presence.
  • Dwarf peach trees are designed for compact spaces with heights ranging from 6 to 10 feet (1.8 to 3 meters). These trees are an excellent choice for smaller gardens or even container cultivation, ensuring that you can enjoy the beauty and flavor of peaches even in limited spaces.
  • Semi-dwarf peach trees strike a balance between the standard and dwarf varieties, typically growing to heights of 10 to 15 feet (3 to 4.5 meters). These versatile trees offer a moderate height that’s suitable for various garden sizes, providing both manageable care and substantial fruit yields.

Chill Hours

Chill hours refer to the accumulated amount of cold temperatures required for peach trees to break dormancy and produce fruit.

Different varieties have varying chill hour requirements, which should be considered when selecting peaches for regions with distinct winter conditions.

Ripening Time

Peach varieties display diverse ripening schedules, ensuring a prolonged harvest season that spans from early summer to late fall.

This temporal quality enables enthusiasts to savor fresh peaches over an extended period and even experiment with different culinary uses.

Varieties are typically classified as early season, mid-season, or late season.

1. Redhaven

Peach Tree Varieties: 30 Types of Peaches for Home Gardeners (1)

When you think of a peach that sets the bar high, Redhaven is the standard. Often touted as the standard by which all early peaches are judged, Redhaven peaches are juicy with a rich flavor.

They have yellow skin with a red blush set against a golden-yellow background. They are a freestone fruit, making them great for canning.

  • Stone: Freestone
  • Fruit size: Medium
  • Flesh color: Yellow
  • Chill hours: 800-900
  • Ripens: Mid-July
  • Good for: Fresh eating, baking, canning

2. Elberta

Peach Tree Varieties: 30 Types of Peaches for Home Gardeners (2)

Elberta peaches, a classic heirloom type of peach, are renowned for their juicy peach flavor.

Often considered one of the most attractive peaches of the season, Elbertas have yellow skin with a prominent red blush.

These are the peaches that many think of when they envision the perfect dessert peach, with flesh that’s firm yet offers an excellent sweet flavor.

  • Stone: Freestone
  • Fruit size: Large
  • Flesh color: Yellow
  • Chill hours: 850-950
  • Ripens: Late July
  • Good for: Fresh eating, baking, canning

3. Redskin

Peach Tree Varieties: 30 Types of Peaches for Home Gardeners (3)

Redskin is a type of peach known for its bright red skin, making it one of the most attractive peaches for many gardeners.

While it’s a freestone variety, its juicy flesh rivals the sweetness of clingstones.

This heirloom variety has a long history and remains a favorite for its excellent taste, suitable for both fresh eating and canning.

  • Stone: Freestone
  • Fruit size: Medium
  • Flesh color: Yellow
  • Chill hours: 700-800
  • Ripens: Mid-July
  • Good for: Fresh eating, baking, jams

4. Hale Haven

The Hale Haven peach variety offers a taste that is as delightful as its name suggests. Its flesh is yellow and has a juicy texture.

This variety of peach is recognized for its early ripening and the rich, juicy flavor it brings.

It is a freestone peach, which means that it’s a preferred choice for those looking to can or preserve their harvest.

  • Stone: Freestone
  • Fruit size: Large
  • Flesh color: Yellow
  • Chill hours: 850-950
  • Ripens: Late July
  • Good for: Fresh eating

5. Suncrest

An heirloom favorite, Suncrest peaches have bright red skin that provides a sharp contrast to their yellow flesh.

Suncrests are an example of a freestone peach that is as sweet as clingstones. When picked, even when slightly green, they continue to ripen, exuding a juicy aroma that’s hard to resist.

  • Stone: Freestone
  • Fruit size: Medium to large
  • Flesh color: Yellow
  • Chill hours: 700-800
  • Ripens: Mid-July
  • Good for: Fresh eating, desserts

6. Desert Gold

These peaches can also be considered an early highlight in the peach season. Their bright red blush over a yellow background makes them one of the most attractive peaches.

Known for being cold-hardy, the peach trees of this variety are vigorous and productive. The peach flavor from a Desert Gold is distinct and satisfying.

  • Stone: Freestone
  • Fruit size: Medium
  • Flesh color: Yellow
  • Chill hours: 400-500
  • Ripens: Early June
  • Good for: Fresh eating, baking

7. Arctic Supreme

Peach Tree Varieties: 30 Types of Peaches for Home Gardeners (4)

This white peach variety stands out from the rest. Its white flesh is firm and sweet, offering a rich flavor that many associate with the perfect peach dessert.

It’s a freestone fruit, ensuring minimal fuss when it’s time to enjoy or preserve.

  • Stone: Freestone
  • Fruit size: Medium
  • Flesh color: Yellow
  • Chill hours: 700-800
  • Ripens: Mid-July
  • Good for: Fresh eating, desserts

8. O’Henry

With a name that resonates with legacy, the O’Henry peach variety doesn’t disappoint. This freestone peach has a juicy, firm flesh that is yellow.

The exterior is graced with a red-blushed skin over a yellow background. Its self-pollinating nature makes growing peaches of this variety convenient for gardeners.

  • Stone: Freestone
  • Fruit size: Large
  • Flesh color: Yellow
  • Chill hours: 700-800
  • Ripens: Mid-July
  • Good for: Fresh eating, desserts, jams

9. Contender

The Contender peach variety is well-known for being cold-hardy and resistant to peach leaf curl.

Its flesh is juicy and has an acidic touch that adds a refreshing dimension to the sweet profile.

With yellow skin and yellow flesh adorned with a red blush, it’s a freestone variety, meaning its stone separates easily from the flesh.

  • Stone: Freestone
  • Fruit size: Medium
  • Flesh color: Yellow
  • Chill hours: 800-900
  • Ripens: Mid-July
  • Good for: Fresh eating, baking, canning

10. Rio Oso Gem

Heirloom peaches like the Rio Oso Gem are a testament to the rich history of peach cultivation.

They ripen in late summer, revealing medium to large-sized peaches with a distinct red-blushed skin.

Its freestone fruit is renowned for its excellent sweet flavor, making it one of the best varieties to savor.

  • Stone: Freestone
  • Fruit size: Medium
  • Flesh color: Yellow
  • Chill hours: 700-800
  • Ripens: Mid-July
  • Good for: Fresh eating, baking, canning

11. June Gold

Early in the peach season, the June Gold sets a high standard. As one of the early peaches, its ripening time is eagerly awaited.

With a bright red exterior, the peach flavor is both sweet and juicy. The tree is vigorous and productive, ensuring a good harvest for gardeners.

While it’s primarily a clingstone, its sweetness rivals many freestones.

  • Stone: Clingstone
  • Fruit size: Medium
  • Flesh color: Yellow
  • Chill hours: 500-600
  • Ripens: Early June
  • Good for: Fresh eating, baking

12. Cresthaven

The Cresthaven peach variety stands out for its firm texture and long shelf life. This variety is particularly resistant to leaf spot, making it a favored choice for those growing peaches.

It’s a freestone type with red-blushed skin that radiates against its yellow flesh.

  • Stone: Freestone
  • Fruit size: Large
  • Flesh color: Yellow
  • Chill hours: 800-900
  • Ripens: Mid-July
  • Good for: Fresh eating, baking, jams

13. Stark Saturn

Peach Tree Varieties: 30 Types of Peaches for Home Gardeners (5)

Also known as donut peaches, Stark Saturn is a unique variety with a flattened shape. Its white flesh is sweet and juicy and comes without the fuzz, making it a delightful eating experience.

These peaches can be considered a mutation, but it’s a delicious one indeed!

  • Stone: Semi-freestone
  • Fruit size: Medium
  • Flesh color: White
  • Chill hours: 400-500
  • Ripens: Early June
  • Good for: Fresh eating

14. Loring

The Loring peach is revered for its expansive size and rich flavor. This variety is primarily known for its sweet and juicy taste amplified by its yellow flesh.

Even when picked slightly green, they mature to perfection. The fruit’s bright red hue against yellow skin makes it stand out in any garden.

  • Stone: Freestone
  • Fruit size: Large
  • Flesh color: Yellow
  • Chill hours: 800-900
  • Ripens: Mid-July
  • Good for: Fresh eating, baking, canning

15. Indian Blood Cling

This heirloom variety of peach is a genuine testament to the diverse types of peaches available. It stands out due to its deep red, almost blood-like flesh closer to the pit.

Its firm flesh and distinct acidic touch give it a unique flavor profile. Indian Blood Cling peaches ripen in midsummer, offering a vivid burst of color and flavor to your harvest.

  • Stone: Clingstone
  • Fruit size: Medium
  • Flesh color: Red
  • Chill hours: 700-800
  • Ripens: Mid-July
  • Good for: Fresh eating, desserts

16. Belle of Georgia

A white peach that is superior for canning and fresh eating alike, the Belle of Georgia is a timeless classic.

With its firm texture and non-browning flesh, it’s excellent for pies and preserves, maintaining its attractive appearance.

  • Stone: Freestone
  • Fruit size: Large
  • Flesh color: White
  • Chill hours: 800-900
  • Ripens: Mid-July
  • Good for: Fresh eating, desserts

17. Frost

Cold hardy and productive, the Frost peach is a popular late peach variety. It boasts medium-sized fruits with a golden-yellow hue complemented by a subtle red blush.

This type of peach is self-fertile and doesn’t require pollination from another variety.

  • Stone: Freestone
  • Fruit size: Medium
  • Flesh color: Yellow
  • Chill hours: 800-900
  • Ripens: Mid-July
  • Good for: Fresh eating, baking

18. Challenger

Peach Tree Varieties: 30 Types of Peaches for Home Gardeners (6)

As a peach variety that thrives in colder climates, the Challenger is both hardy and productive.

It’s one of the different types of peaches with yellow flesh that is firm and sweet. The fuzz on its skin is minimal, which many find appealing.

These medium-sized peaches boast a large fruit size that’s matched by their captivating flavor profile—a perfect blend of sweetness and balanced acidity.

  • Stone: Freestone
  • Fruit size: Medium
  • Flesh color: Yellow
  • Chill hours: 800-900
  • Ripens: Late July to early August
  • Good for: Fresh eating, baking, canning

19. Carolina Gold

Heralded as one of the best varieties for the southeastern regions, the Carolina Gold peach is juicy and perfect for summer days.

It is fully ripe by mid-season, its yellow flesh offering a burst of peach flavor with every bite.

  • Stone: Freestone
  • Fruit size: Medium to large
  • Flesh color: Yellow
  • Chill hours: 800-900
  • Ripens: Late July to early August
  • Good for: Fresh eating, baking, canning

20. Baby Crawford

Baby Crawford peaches offer the delightful taste of a classic Crawford peach in a more compact package, perfect for smaller spaces.

These medium-sized attractive peaches boast a tender, juicy firm flesh that’s both sweet and aromatic, embodying the essence of summer’s bounty.

With approximately 800 to 900 chill hours, theyripen in mid-July, delivering a burst of flavor.

Despite their smaller size, Baby Crawford peaches are perfect for enjoying fresh or preserving their delightful taste for future indulgence.

  • Stone: Freestone
  • Fruit size: Medium
  • Flesh color: Yellow
  • Chill hours: 800-900
  • Ripens: Mid-July
  • Good for: Fresh eating, canning

21. China Pearl

Peach Tree Varieties: 30 Types of Peaches for Home Gardeners (7)

China Pearl peaches evoke a sense of timeless elegance with their medium-sized fruit that features a delicate blend of pale yellow and rosy blush.

These peaches offer a juicy, tender flesh that’s characterized by its sweet and aromatic flavor—a true testament to the essence of summer.

With chill hours ranging from 800 to 900, they ripen in midsummer, becoming a prized addition to the season’s bounty.

Whether enjoyed fresh, incorporated into culinary creations, or preserved for later enjoyment, China Pearl peaches reflect the beauty of simplicity.

  • Stone: Semi-freestone
  • Fruit size: Medium
  • Flesh color: White
  • Chill hours: 800-900
  • Ripens: Late July
  • Good for: Fresh eating, baking, jams

22. Honey Babe

Honey Babe peaches encapsulate the sweetness of summer in a small, convenient package.

These small to medium-sized peaches feature a golden-yellow skin that conceals juicy, tender flesh with a flavor profile that lives up to their name.

With approximately 400 chill hours, they ripen in mid-June, offering an early taste of the season’s delights.

The succulent texture and delightful sweetness of Honey Babe peaches make them a perfect choice for enjoying fresh and savoring the simple joys of summertime.

  • Stone: Freestone
  • Fruit size: Small to medium
  • Flesh color: Yellow
  • Chill hours: 400
  • Ripens: Mid-June
  • Good for: Fresh eating

23. Red Baron

Red Baron peaches stand out with their brilliant red skin and juicy, flavorful flesh, offering a burst of color and taste.

The medium-sized fruit showcases a vibrant exterior that conceals succulent, yellow flesh within.

With approximately 800 to 900 chill hours, they ripen in mid-July, becoming a true emblem of the peach season’s splendor.

Whether savored fresh or added to various culinary creations, Red Baron peaches add a touch of regal indulgence to your summer snacking.

  • Stone: Freestone
  • Fruit size: Medium
  • Flesh color: Yellow
  • Chill hours: 800-900
  • Ripens: Mid-July
  • Good for: Fresh eating, desserts

24. White Lady

Peach Tree Varieties: 30 Types of Peaches for Home Gardeners (8)

White Lady peaches enchant with their delicate appearance and sweet, aromatic flavor that’s truly a taste of summer elegance.

These medium-sized peaches feature a pale yellow skin that conceals tender, succulent flesh within.

Requiring around 500 to 600 chill hours, they ripen in late June to early July.

White Lady peaches are perfect for fresh indulgence, allowing you to savor the pure essence of summer’s sweetness.

  • Stone: Freestone
  • Fruit size: Medium
  • Flesh color: White
  • Chill hours: 500-600
  • Ripens: Late June to early July
  • Good for: Fresh eating, desserts

25. Veteran

Veteran peaches are celebrated for their adaptability and flavorful fruit, making them a reliable choice for a variety of climates.

These medium-sized peaches feature a golden-yellow skin that conceals succulent, yellow flesh with a sweet and aromatic taste.

They ripen in late July to early August, becoming a cherished part of the summer harvest.

Veteran peaches shine in both fresh eating and culinary endeavors, adding a touch of classic elegance to your creations.

  • Stone: Freestone
  • Fruit size: Medium
  • Flesh color: Yellow
  • Chill hours: 700-800
  • Ripens: Late July to early August
  • Good for: Fresh eating, baking, canning

26. Tropic Beauty

Tropic Beauty peaches are cherished for their tropical-like sweetness and compact tree size, making them a fantastic choice for warmer climates.

These small to medium-sized peaches showcase a golden-yellow skin that covers juicy, tender flesh with a flavor that transports you to sunnier shores.

After only 150 to 300 chill hours, they ripen in mid-June, offering an early taste of summer’s bounty.

Tropic Beauty peaches are ideal for fresh indulgence, allowing you to savor a taste of the tropics in your very own garden.

  • Stone: Freestone
  • Fruit size: Small to medium
  • Flesh color: Yellow
  • Chill hours: 150-300
  • Ripens: Mid-June
  • Good for: Fresh eating

27. Snow Beauty

Peach Tree Varieties: 30 Types of Peaches for Home Gardeners (9)

Snow Beauty peaches captivate with their creamy-white skin and sweet, juicy flesh that offers a refreshing burst of flavor.

The medium-sized fruit showcases a pristine exterior that conceals tender, succulent flesh within.

Snow Beauty peaches are perfect for both fresh snacking and creating delightful desserts that celebrate the pure essence of their sweetness.

  • Stone: Freestone
  • Fruit size: Medium
  • Flesh color: White
  • Chill hours: 600-700
  • Ripens: Mid-July
  • Good for: Fresh eating, desserts

28. Red Globe

Red Globe peaches make a statement with their deep red blush and exquisite sweet-tart flavor that’s a true delight to the palate.

The medium-sized fruit showcases a striking exterior that conceals succulent, yellow flesh within.

They ripen in late July to early August, offering a burst of color and taste during the heart of the summer.

Red Globe peaches are a versatile choice, perfect for fresh eating and enhancing your favorite baked goods with their vibrant flavor.

  • Stone: Freestone
  • Fruit size: Medium
  • Flesh color: Yellow
  • Chill hours: 800-900
  • Ripens: Late July to early August
  • Good for: Fresh eating, baking

29. Harrow Diamond

Harrow Diamond peaches are celebrated for their beautiful appearance and exceptionally sweet, juicy flavor that shines like a gem.

These medium-sized peaches feature a golden-yellow skin that conceals succulent, yellow flesh with a taste that’s truly a treasure.

Harrow Diamond peaches are perfect for enjoying fresh and making delightful desserts that celebrate the true essence of their sweetness.

  • Stone: Freestone
  • Fruit size: Medium
  • Flesh color: Yellow
  • Chill hours: 800-900
  • Ripens: Late July to early August
  • Good for: Fresh eating, desserts

30. Nectarine Varieties

Peach Tree Varieties: 30 Types of Peaches for Home Gardeners (10)

Nectarines offer a delightful twist on the classic peach, showcasing a smooth, fuzz-free skin that reveals succulent, flavorful flesh beneath.

These medium-sized stone fruits are available in both yellow and white varieties, each offering its own unique blend of sweetness and tartness.

With chill hours ranging from 500 to 900, nectarines ripen in the heart of summer, offering a burst of juicy goodness that’s perfect for fresh snacking, baking, and a variety of culinary creations.

  • Stone: Freestone
  • Fruit size: Medium
  • Flesh color: Yellow or white
  • Chill hours: 500-900
  • Ripens: Mid to late July
  • Good for: Fresh eating, baking, desserts

Now You Know the Best Peach Varieties To Grow!

Peaches, with their myriad flavors, colors, and textures, are truly gems in the fruit kingdom.

From the earliest Redhaven to the delightful nectarine, each variety brings a unique experience to the palate and the garden.

As you explore the world of peach and nectarine varieties, remember to consider factors like chill hours, ripening times, and ideal uses.

With careful selection and cultivation, you can enjoy a flourishing orchard that yields the most succulent and flavorful peaches year after year. Happy peach growing!

Peach Tree Varieties: 30 Types of Peaches for Home Gardeners (2024)
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