A Gamer in Kyoto - Chapter 1 - IronWrath (2024)

Chapter Text

Dying sucks, I mean it really sucks, not getting to see your family or even say goodbye to anyone of your friends, but then you think oh well at least i’ll go to heaven or something along those lines, but oh no you just wake up in a void with little almost transparent screen that reads

< Hello host, since you are the soul number 999,999,999 to pass through

the void on your way to limbo, you have won the lottery to have access to the Gamer System, so congratulations are in order! >

“Damn, it even sounds like the typical internet scam to get you to click on it” oh well seeing as i don't have anything else to do, why the hell not i’ve always wanted to troll a scammer, moving my arm? I'm not even corporeal so all I can move is a shadow like limb that clicks on the Ok button

< This is not a scam Host, I can assure you this is 100% legal,

you don't even have to open a bank account for it! >

< Moving on then, you will have access to many abilities, and many more worlds will be at your fingertips, you’ll just have to reach for them and if you are strong enough you may be able to conquer them, or destroy them, or kill all the men and steal the women away or the men I wont judge you host >

Oh goody this is weird, i don't feel any strong emotion i don't feel sad that i died and left my family and i don't feel anything really remarkable when this thing calling me host says i could destroy worlds “Hey you, what should i call you? Lets start there first and move on bit by bit”

< Right right, where are my manners you should call me Game >

“Ok Game then, why do i not feel anything, even strong emotions, i should be able to, i mean I died and dont feel even any remorse or sadness, i know that dying sucks because i can remember the concept of dying equals bad and i can remember my family and leaving them but no emotion really registers so what's up with that Game”

< Oh that's easy you can't feel any strong emotions because i’ve disabled them for now, you have access to the staple abilities from any respectable gamer >

[Gamer’s Mind]

A psychological ability that dampens strong emotions,

and protects the gamer from mental attacks.

[Gamer’s Body]

The staple of any gamer, allows the users body to live his life like

a game and all that it entails.

“Is there a way to reduce the dampening of the emotions Game? It’s weird not being able to really feel anything, and what's up with the gamer's body being enabled now? I don't really have a body now do i?”

< Don't worry your feeble little mind about your body, we’ll get there eventually, About the emotions, it is possible but do you really want it now? As you assumed dying is not really something the human mind can tolerate easily, however it is possible to diminish the effect, there's no enjoyment in life without emotions is there? >

Great that means i shouldn't worry about being a robot later on “Ok Game lets leave the ability on for now I still don't want to deal with that, When do i get my body the Game? Is there anything that i should know before we move on?”

< Not at the moment, there's too much information just to dump it on you right now, however we will be reviewing each game subsystem as they come up so we move onto the next step of you future dear host, you get to pick your race and class now! >

< But first, since I like you I’ll let you know that you will be heading into the Highschool DxD universe first! Isn't that a treat? A harem at the tip of your fingers you just have to reach for it! So don't go disappointing me and ruining our enjoyment of this universe >

Holy sh*t who’s enjoyment, Am I not the only one who has to enjoy his own life? Also DxD is sh*tty luck, i mean yeah its a titty anime but if you take it seriously there are some people that can erase you with an exhale and not think twice about you but still maybe with the gamer i can reach that level before I have to deal with them

< We are never quite alone in the multiverse however at this moment i mean your and my enjoyment, I’ve been dormant for quite a while so I do want to be entertained by you, however it won't be a one sided thing dear host, you’ll understand later!, With that out of the way let's pick you a race and your first class! >


Regular old humans, however that doesn't really apply to DxD where you have monsters that are “Human” most of the heroes of old were humans at first! (If chosen will have access to the [Blessed Human] Perk)


Those that rejoice in the carnal sins of the body and mind, creatures of the dark that can access the magical energies of the world as a second nature to influence the minds and actions of others. (If chosen will have access to [72 Pillars] [Old Satan Faction] Backgrounds)


The creatures of light, created by the biblical God to be his agents in the universe, they are beloved by the light and as such can manipulate it to their whims (If chosen will start as a two winged angel however may be able to unlock the [Archangel] Race upgrade)

[Fallen Angel]

Those that were once loved by the light but were far too curious and left the Grace of the biblical God and now reside in the underworld in an eternal struggle for dominance with the devils (If chosen will start as a two winged Fallen Angel however may be able to unlock the [Fallen Archangel] Race upgrade)

[Locked] [Locked] …

Well f*ck, i just have access to the three main factions of the biblical war, however I don't want to deal with that clusterf*ck once I get there, “Hey game, how long do i have before the start of canon?”

< Hmm at this level of power with the gamer sistem i can give you 3 options, Option 1) You start a year before canon, Option 2) you start right at the beginning of canon, Option 3) You start a couple of months after canon. It's your pick Host >

Okay I can work with this, option 3 is out, no need to even think about it, Option 2 is good, but Option 1 offers the best possible control over my power level before having to deal with overpowered assholes “Option 1 Game”

< Well then Host you still have to pick a race >

“Oh right, if I'm starting a year early I can deal with any of the three” Hmm “Game can I check the options stats before picking one?”

< Sure >



HP - 150 (19)

(HPR = ~12% * Minute)

SP - 150 (19)

(SPR = ~12% * Minute)

MP - 120 (15)

(MPR = ~12%MP * Minute)

Str - 17

Dex - 12

End - 13

Int - 15

Wis - 15

Cha - 11

Luk - 10


Refers to the Strength Stat, it lets you wield heavy weapons and affects the capacity and type of armor you can use, and affects physical damage.


Refers to the Dexterity Stat, affects speed, flexibility, ranged weapons usability and sneaking abilities.


Endurance is the stat that defines your Hit Points [HP] and your Stamina Points [SP] it also affects the capacities of your body to deal with poisons and other physical ailments.


Intelligence is the Stat that reflects your capacity of learning, it also affects your Mana Point pool [MP], it also affects the capacity of the person to use new spells efficiently.


Wisdom is the Stat that reigns over your Mana Points Regen [MPR], It lets the user reveal the truths of the world.


Charisma is the Stat that affects reputation and affection scores the most, it may help you get in with the powers at be easier or drop the panties of any lady with just a look!


Good old Luck, this stat is the most unpredictable, it may let you get a legendary drop on your first loot chest or it may bring you the attention of a powerful entity just because you were walking down the street!

< You may only Raise Luk Stat by doing specific action, such as being blessed, receiving a perk to such effects and or situational opportunities e.g. Winning a lottery or surviving events that should have ended with your death >

Well that's a lot of information for just the stats, wait what? Surviving? sh*t.

< Don't worry Host, you won't have to read it for the rest of the races, it's fairly simple for the rest of them, Devils get a X2 Multiplier, Angels and Fallen both get a X2 the same as the devils and Dragons get the most with a X5 to their statsand so on with other races, so as any class starts with the same base stats you get this distribution per class >


HP - 300

SP - 300

MP - 240

HPR - 30

SPR - 30

MPR - 36

Str - 34

Dex - 26

End - 30

Int - 24

Wis - 30

Cha - 30

Luk - 20

[Angels / Fallen]

HP - 450

SP - 450

MP - 360

HPR - 45

SPR - 45

MPR - 54

Str - 51

Dex - 39

End - 45

Int - 36

Wis - 45

Cha - 45

Luk - 30

Ah that makes sense, still the benefits from the angels and devils are awesome but you’d have to deal with all the hassle of Heaven with God dead and the angels being on the dwindling side I’d never be able to truly be free to do what I want, besides I kinda want to have a girl and i dont want to fall just because I had sex with someone, then onto the devilish side of things, being a devil might be awesome but devil politics are kinda f*cked up, might makes right and all that so at the start it wouldn't be the most beneficial to be a devil and I still don’t know how fast I can grow stronger so for now Human might be my best bet to be left alone.

“Okay Game Human it is”

< Great, with that done there was something I forgot to mention, while yes humans may be the “Weakest” they are the fastest learners so they come with a 15% bonus Exp, so there's that, now moving on to the clases, as of this moment there's only three classes to choose from, more may become available as the game goes on >


In this case the Sword is mightier than the pen, after all you can just hack and slash away and deal with what torments you. (Subclasses are available)

+1 Str

+1 Dex

+ 1 End

Per level up.


Yer a wizard Harry, They who are able to mold the energy of the worlds to their whims and wishes. (Subclasses are available)

+1 Int

+1 Wis

Per level up.


Those that are one with the shadows, the assassins unseen, unheard and untraceable (Once they are strong enough though) (Subclasses are available)

+1 Dex

+1 Int

Per level up.

Ok then, magic is nice but if i remember correctly they use calculations in the magic they use in this universe, with my luck i’ll have to use the same and starting up that might not be the best idea, Rogue is good to go unnoticed but when they catch you and they will you’ll cease to exist in the blink of an eye, however with knight i get enough HP and End to grow at a decent pace, there might be a subclass that's able to use magic to, so it's a pretty safe bet.

“I choose you Knight”

< You seriously had to make that reference, you’re making me regret not erasing your memories. There's one more thing I forgot to mention, every XP level you gain gives you 2 class levels e.g. Once you reach lvl 50 your class lvl will be 100 and so on >

Knight Subclasses.

[Saber] [Lancer] [Paladin] [Locked] [Locked]

Well now that's tough, I kinda love Lancer from Fate, but if things work like i suspect in this world maybe Paladin might be stronger than even saber, the ability to heal, tank and deal damage is kinda broken, plus a paladin can use almost any kind of magic depending on their alignment and/or Deity, so maybe I’ll go with paladin first and if that doesn't work out so well, i still have about a year to change classes to a magician or something else depending on the availability, since in this situation I'm able to change classes I’ll try not to swear any kind of oaths of righteousness just because, i might be able to do things this way and change classes before they become necessary.

“Hey game, how many levels do I have to put into a class before I'm able to change?”

< You'll have to get to level 100 in any class to be able to change it, getting there also unlocks subclasses and access to other classes themselves >

“Hmm that's fine i’ll go with Paladin first then”

< Great, then we can move onto the professions you can get for now, the same applies here with more levels you can unlock more, however the leveling progress will be different from the regular classes, you’ll have to do actions directly related to the profession to be able to generate XP >

[Baker] (Apprentice)

The procurer of the baked goods, this profession permits the user to gradually make better baked goods, that may or may not be able to give bonuses to certain stats.

[Alchemist] (Apprentice)

The one that delves into the world of transformation of matter, this profession grants the user the knowledge to be able to make potions and poisons to various effects, these potions may be able to be permanent depending on the proficiency of the user.

[Milkman] (Apprentice)

The deliverer of the milk, this profession permits the user to be able to know different ladies and or gentlemen in need of a milk delivery!

[Enchanter] (Apprentice)

They who impart different effects onto the world that surrounds them, may be able to impart these effects onto material things or the very concepts that rule the world.

[Bodyguard] (Apprentice)

Those that live to protect others, may be able to detect certain threats before they become reality, this ability will only be available in the active protection of another.




Well the real choice is between Alchemist and Enchanter for now, baking was always a hobby of mine so there's no practical reason to choose baker, bodyguard is good but starting out I might not be able to protect even myself so how can I protect another? Hmm between Alchemist and Enchanter, I think Alchemist is the better starting option, imagine if the process of enchanting is like Skyrim where you have to use souls to be able to enchant things, while I don't really mind killing things for future use, I don't really have a way to use their souls now do I? So i believe Alchemist will be the better choice for now, let's not even think about Milkman…

After selecting Alchemist the Game moves on to my new abilities that come with Paladin and Alchemist.

[Paladin Skills]

{Crusader Strike}

Deals 210% of Weapon Damage as Physical Damage, Costs 45 SP per charge.

{Aura Sense}

Passive - The presence of strong Aura registers on your senses like a pressure on your mind (Range 30 mts),

Active - You are able to concentrate on your senses to feel auras around you, (Range 60 Mts)

Active Cost (40 MP + 20*Min)

This ability can be upgraded for range and capacity.

Note: Strong auras may not register until the user is at a level closer to the target, + 30 Lvl range.

{Lay on Hands}

You are able to lay your hands and/or focus on the target area and apply a healing touch that heals for {Paladin LvL+ (Wis/2) x 5}

[Alchemist Skills]

{Make Potion}

Lets the user combine 1 or more ingredients in an alchemist table to produce potions for various effects, the efficiency of said potions depends on the quality of the ingredients and the level of proficiency of the user.

{Identify substance}

At the initial level the user may identify liquid substances and the effects they have, the effect reveal depends on the level of the profession of the caster {Alchemist LvL %}

e.g. A level 1 user has a 1% chance to reveal the totality of the effects.

Note: This chance doesn't apply to the potions created by the user.

< I believe that's all, let's move on then, for your first world character creation will be locked and the same applies to background modification outside of perks and or flaws acquired >

“Well I mean can I do anything to change that for now game?, if not then that's also fine”

< At the moment you cannot change these parameters, however once you move on to your next world you may be able to adjust said parameters maybe even more >

Generating users body…







< And done, it’ll do for now, remember that your stats affect your physical appearance, now let's connect your soul to the body and… Done >

Its a good thing that Gamers Mind controls my emotions, because being implanted into a body is f*cking weird, there are no words to describe the feeling.

< Your new name for this world will be Alexander Amamiya, I picked it myself, it comes with a background and for your benefit it's about 25 years old >

Well at least I won't have to deal with puberty again, that’s always a plus in my books!

< Oh yeah, there's a Wheel of misfortune in this version of the game, you may win godlike perks or you may doom yourself from the beginning! (Those are not necessarily exclusive, you may get a great perk with a tragic drawback!) >

Well sh*t… I’ve always been somewhat greedy, “Game can I get rid of the flaws later on?”

< You can, however it might not be so simple >

Well that's not ominous at all “Ok Game let's give it a spin”

[Legendary Bloodline]

Your ancestry can be traced to dragons, Void Templars, an ancient order of Archmagi, an intergalactic dynasty, or a similar powerful group. As such, a sense of awe follows you when in the presence of those who respect your heritage.

You are descended from the ancient Japanese Ōkami. You may choose a knowledge area and be gifted with the knowledge to excel in said área {Trading, Politics, Warfare}

+1 Str

+1 Dex

+1 End

+1 Wis

+1 Int

+1 Cha

+1 Luk

Per level.

Note: May unlock different benefits when combined with other perks.


You are willing to do anything to get ahead in life and often that means trampling upon other people on your way to the top. When presented with a situation requiring empathy for those beneath you, it's typical for you to ignore their need. In addition, you may sometimes overreach in your attempts to get ahead, making bold and risky choices that can put you and those close to you in danger.

Damn that feels good, that was a great roll, I always liked some things of the Japanese culture, they creativity of their myths and folklore for one, õkami means wolf in Japanese plus it says it may be able to unlock some more benefits down the line, besides the flaw is not that bad, not great but not terrible, I'm a greedy person so ambition is not a bad thing to have, and the benefits are great, Luk and Cha were my weakest Stats, and the End bonuses will add later on if my maths are correct, and with the potion business I want to set up, trading knowledge can be the way to the top

“Game I want the Trading knowledge, and let's spin again, if I can get a decent perk I’ll be one step closer to the top of the food chain”


You are exceptionally difficult to kill or wear down.

Once a week you can survive a killing blow.

+1 End

+1 Str

Per level

[Bad Tempered]

Your fuse is long but your explosions are destructive. Sometimes your anger boils slowly over time and other times it erupts completely unexpectedly.

Note: if not controlled this flaw may evolve.

Resilient is f*cking broken, it boosts my Health and Stamina plus it gives me a get out of death free card once a week that's just insane, on the other hand sh*t, f*ck what if a stronger devil o anyone pisses me of when Im this weak, but still the game said that i can get rid of this flaws later on, I imagine I just have to control my anger and deal with it “Lets give it one last Spin Game”

[Nature's Ally]

The natural world responds to your deep connection with it. Perhaps you are a preservationist, seeking to restore organic life in a shattered post-apocalyptic wasteland, or maybe you are a hermit closely attuned to the animals and plants of the Sylvan woodlands. Whatever your circ*mstance, people and creatures of your land can sense your deep respect for the natural order.

Wild animals are more receptive to you, primitive tribes give you the benefit of the doubt by assuming you do not have destructive intentions, and you can typically gain an audience with an elusive Druid or Sage in a given region who shares your goal in defending nature.


You can't help it: you just like things. Money, gems, items of power, women - they beckon you at every turn and you'll often take great risks and maybe even betray your allies if the monetary reward is great enough.

You're susceptible to bribing, every once in a while you will experience the absolute need to get something or someone for yourself.

Note: If not controlled this flaw may evolve.

Okaaaay that's enough I don't want to be offered money, be bought and betray someone I cant handle just because I got greedy, or get the urge to steal the lady of someone I cant cross, maybe i'll be able to do it once i'm strong enough but not now, I will have to deal with these flaws first before gambilng some more “Okay Game what’s next then?”

< You’ll get to see your new body once you get to the world, so the last thing to do is just that, next time we talk we will be on the beginning of your new adventure, do try not to disappoint me Host, it's a hassle to get a new host >

“Wait Whaaaaa….”

Alexander Amamiya

Lv. 1

Race: Human

Class: Paladin Lv. 1

Profession: Alchemist Lv. 1

HP - 162

HPR - 16

SP - 150

SPR - 15

MP - 120

MPR - 15

End - 20

Str - 19

Dex - 15

Int - 13

Wis - 16

Cha - 12

Luk - 11


[Crusader Strike] Lv. Ex

Deals 210% of Weapon Damage as Physical Damage, Costs 45 SP per charge.

[Aura Sense] Lv. 1

Passive - The presence of strong Aura registers on your senses like a pressure on your mind (Range 30 mts),

Active - You are able to concentrate on your senses to feel auras around you, (Range 60 Mts)

Active Cost (40 MP + 20*Min)

This ability can be upgraded for range and capacity.

Note: Strong auras may not register until the user is at a level closer to the target, + 30 Lvl range.

[Lay on Hands] Lv. Ex

You are able to lay your hands and/or focus on the target area and apply a healing touch that heals for {Paladin LvL+ (Wis/2) x 5}

Cost (50 MP*Sec)

{Make Potion}

Lets the user combine 1 or more ingredients in a alchemist table to produce potions for various effects, the efficiency of said potions is {Alchemist LvL %}

{Identify substance}

At the initial level the user may identify liquid substances and the effects they have, the effect reveal depends on the level of the profession of the caster {Alchemist LvL %}

e.g. A level 1 user has a 1% chance to reveal the totality of the effects.

Note: This chance doesn't apply to the potions created by the user.

A Gamer in Kyoto - Chapter 1 - IronWrath (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.