Highschool DxD - co*cknosis - Chapter 1 - Lumitiel (2024)

Chapter Text

Once, there was a boy named Issei with a tremendous destiny in front of him. That destiny had, unknown to him, begun the day before when a pretty and mysterious girl named Yuuma. For the first time in his life a girl had said she liked him! Oh, happy day! Oh, what bliss!

Thus, he spent all of his energy and free time planning and plotting. He wanted it to be the ultimate, the very best date that she would ever have in her lifetime! While it was true that he was a pervert with a deep appreciation for the female form, he was also a pervert with a heart of gold. It was not only his own gratification he was after but also the woman's as well!

Hence, off to the library he had gone! He scoured the aisles in search of the perfect dating plan. There were plenty of books that could give advice on the perfect ways to ensure a woman enjoyed their date. Hohoho! Off to the corner of the library he went, to skim through the books and see what they offered in common. Then he would know, by instinct alone, how best to ensure that Yuuma enjoyed her date!

Let's see now. he set the books down and began to skim through them. Yes, there were some common threads already. Presentation is a big part of it. Select a venue which invites proximity. Talk about her as much as you can, pay attention to body language to pick up what she likes and does not like. Yes, yes, this all made sense.

Then he wound up picking up a book that he hadn't realised he had picked up in the first place. The Secrets of co*cknosis.

It was a funny thing, but he couldn't help himself but read the first page. Such an absurd title, amongst everything else that he had seen! It was such a contrast that it called out to him like a siren's song, beckoning him. To read. What's the harm in reading, went the soft whispers in his mind. Why not? Even if the topic was totally absurd. The very idea that by speaking a word aloud you could make your dick grow to such a ludicrous size that it could entrance the unwary and allow you to mould them, mind and body, however you so please...

"Hey Issei!" a familiar female voice asked over his shoulder. Issei snapped the book shut right away! "Whatcha reading? Something naughty, right?"

"Aika! Don't sneak up on me like that!" he yelled.

“Hmm.. you looked like you were reading something, so why aren’t you holding anything? Oh, is it so naughty that you cannot risk being seen reading it? Even when your reputation as a pervert is already so bad?" Aika adjusted her glasses and the smirk on her face grew into a smile that wouldn’t be off on the proverbial cheshire cat.

Eh? Issei looked down at the book he was holding. She couldn't see it? At all? He stepped back, more than a little nervous. Yet she stepped forward twice! Oh no! She must be teasing him, that's what it is! She'd already seen the ridiculous book that he was reading, and was only pretending that she couldn't see it!

"So? Why don't you tell me all about it? Read it out to me?" she asked. D-Damn this girl!

"F-Fine!" he said, flipping the book open. She stopped and stared at him, obviously confused that he was playing along. But he didn't have time to deal with her today. If this was the fastest way to make her leave him alone, then so be it! This was the path he had chosen to walk down! "Here it is! The fundamental aspect of co*cknosis is the understanding that a larger penis intrinsically leads to dominance over weaker minds! On that basis, the first lesson is to say the words 'Biggus Dickus' while holding this book and then -"


Issei stopped completely mid-read. It was, in fact, much like a large bell had dropped to the ground. He looked down at himself. You couldn't... quite... see it, but the head of his co*ck was down at his knees, and his balls weren't that much above them. he'd say that he was now hung like a horse, but he was also pretty damned sure that horses would be jealous of a dick like this!

His surprise and shock at his genital transformation was distracted by Aika dropping to her knees. Slack jawed, bug-eyed. "Wh-What?" she gasped. "You - You just! You weren't that big before! I have never even met anyone so.. so huge!” Her eyes were big like saucers as she looked at his crotch in utter disbelief.

Issei gulped and opened up the book again. He continued to read, though this time to himself. Okay. Alright. So the basic gist of this was that this enlarged co*ck was capable of essentially totally hypnotising anyone that saw it directly. In fact, it seemed to describe a variety of techniques that could be employed to bring people under in several distinct ways, depending on the situation. Based on the index page it was quite the versatile little skill set, that he would have completely disbelieved if not for the fact that, if he got erect right now, he could probably bitchslap someone with his dick from halfway across the room! Any room in the world!

"Ri-ridiculous!" he exclaimed, searching desperately through the book for a way to return his size to normal. Aha! There it was! On the very last page apparently! He turned to it and read aloud: "Why would you want to, this is the best thing ever?"

He threw the book up in the air out of frustration and grasped the back of his head. What's so good about this?! How was he supposed to go out in public when his hard on would likely poke out someone’s eyes from an arm length away. Was he supposed to stop looking down girls blouses when he got the chance? How in the world was he going to survive this?

"Issei.. I feel funny..." Aika giggled. Issei looked down at her. The bane of his existence was... drooling while staring at his junk. Talk about a disconnect in reality. "Let me see if it matches up to the perfection I'm imagining. Please? Pretty please? Let me see it! I must see it!"

Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Time to leave! Issei made a mad dash down the aisle, then realised he was running in the wrong way to get to the entrance! That was fine, all he had to do was dash down here and then -

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours," Aika said, popping her top and employing the perfect counter to his retreat. Breasts. Boobs. tit*. He felt the leviathan stirring down below. Nnng, no! Don't get aroused by this teasing tormentor - blast it, those boobs were too perky for their own good! He had no choice but to drop his drawers if he didn't want his clothes to be wrecked. He could already hear the stitches complaining and -

The expression on Aika's face was rhapsody from the very instant she caught sight of his well hung dick.

"it's even more perfect than I thought," she whispered as her eyes glazed over. "Command me, master. I am yours to instruct however you will."

f*ck, f*ck! This was bad, the infamous female pervert was drooling over his co*ck in a public library. His fear of someone turning a corner and seeing the situation caused him quite a while to actually understand what Aika had said.

Command her? Instruct her? She had gone that deep that quickly? In that case there was no doubt about the sort of command he should give!

"Go home," he commanded, feeling his balls swaying around between his legs like a swinging watch. "Behave normally, unless I say the words... 'hung leviathan'! Then follow any instructions that I give you."

"Yes, master!" she happily said, spinning on her heels to leave.

"Wait, there is one other things!" Issei yell-whispered. "Uh... cover yourself up before you go anywhere."

Phew. It felt like he'd really dodged a bullet there. Lucky it was a quiet day in the library so he hadn't been discovered yet. Still! Now that the panic was over and done with, a thought crept up on Issei. How smart would it be to leave a book like that lying around a public library? Not very! So he pulled up his trousers as best he could, ultimately having to tuck his dick in underneath his jacket. Very uncomfortable, but really his only choice while it was still this hard. Then he retrieved the book, checked it out and prayed to whatever god would listen that he didn't meet anyone he knew on the way home.

"Ugh... all this and I have a date in... Half an hour?! Gah! I'm nowhere near ready!"

This was the last thing that he needed! On top of everything else, he was going to be late for his date! His first date, the first time in his life a girl had said she liked him, and now he had to worry about his giant hypno-dick! What was he going to do if his new girlfriend noticed something? There was no way he could explain something like this away without revealing everything! And there was no way he could go and hypnotise his new, pure and innocent girlfriend. That was even dirtier a deed than even the likes of him was capable of! He'd rather die first!

Issei died that night at the conclusion of his date. On the plus side, he had enjoyed the night out. They'd done all sorts of fun things together. On the other hand, she was the one that had stabbed him through the chest with a huge spear of light. While this was Issei's first date, that kind of did serve as an indicator that maybe she hadn't enjoyed it half as much as he did. Either that or she had mistaken him for a hardcore masoch*st.

Which he wasn't. But he could learn! Oh, he'd be so happy to learn!

His thoughts drifted and he gazed at his hand, which was covered in blood. Crimson, almost like the hair of the beautiful senpai Rias Gremory. Ah, if he had to die, he wouldn’t have minded as long as it was in the bosom of a beautiful girl like that.

At this moment, a small card he had gotten from a younger girl earlier that day started to glow. Floating up into the air above him, a shining pentagram appeared next to him. And from it appeared the aforementioned redhead. Her eyes gazed down at Issei, a indiscernible emotion playing on her features.

“Ah, so it was you who called me?” She asked quietly, her eyes wandering over the badly mangled boy.

“Looks like you are dying, with these wounds you don’t have much time.” A pair of black bat wings spread out from behind her as she continued. “I will pick it up, your life that is. From now on, you can devote your life to me.” As Issei looked up at the voice that had spoken, the last thing he saw before his death was red hair and beautiful eyes.

So beautiful, that his enlarged co*ck's reflexive twitch was the very last thing he did before he ceased being human.

This might be hard to believe, but Rias Gremory had been keeping a close eye on Issei Hyoudou for quite some time now. Call it a devil's instinct, if you would. She sensed potential in him. Power. Though she didn’t quite know how much. Of course she hadn’t planned today’s events, or expected anyone to attack and kill him. Her plan had been more to gradually entice him into their world. It shouldn't be difficult to accomplish. He was a renowned pervert. She was one of the prettiest girls in school, and wouldn't you know it but two of her peerage were also in that category. Once she had set the wheels in motion he would have been eating out of her hand.

Ah, but she could work with this instead. Revive him as a devil after he was killed by a - she tilted her head and thought if over - fallen angel. Yes, definitely a fallen angel. While it was beyond her expectations that a fallen angel would notice this potential and make some kind of play to prevent it being used, it was definitely something she could make use of in her recruitment.

To begin with, she had Issei dragged back to his bedroom via magical portal. That done, she set up a simple enchantment on the walls, floor and ceiling to ensure nobody noticed anything untoward happening within this room. Next, she summoned her pieces. Of them she had so far used her Queen, a Rook, a Bishop and a Knight. Remaining were one Bishop, another Rook, another Knight and eight Pawns. Rias chuckled to herself when considering what he must be. A Pawn. The supposed weakest of the pieces, and yet the one with the most potential. Yes, how could it be anything less for him?

What surprised her was that he took all of them. Every single Pawn she had. All eight, in one person. It left her breathless. She had expected potential, but this much? She had chosen wiser than she realised. In any event, there was no time to waste: Now that he was formally a devil, his body was in need of repair. Dire need at that. There was no time to waste. Rias stripped herself naked, and then set about doing the same to him -

Then wound up getting slapped in the face by an enormous phallus.

It wasn't a hard slap. Well, that is to say, it was a hard slap. But not a painful one. The shock of it was far more effective and what truly knocked her over. Rias shook her head and found herself staring at it.

"Big," she whispered to herself. That couldn't be normal, could it? She was a virgin and had no experience with the opposite sex, but this seemed rather out of the ordinary.

"It hurts..." Issei mumbled, breaking Rias out of the trance. Right. Of course. She had to heal him. The most effective way for her to share energy with him was direct skin to skin contact, and so she snuggled her naked body up against his and began the transfer.

Still though... Her gaze kept on returning to that monster down there. That couldn't possibly be normal. How could he possibly have enough blood in his body to maintain something like that? Could it be...? He'd been enchanted in some way beforehand? It might explain why he was so filthy minded -

"Want a harem... Sexy harem of big boobed babes!"

Rias felt woozy for a moment there. Issei was talking in his sleep. Really now, she shouldn't be getting distracted like this. Just because she'd never seen a man's p-p-co*ck in person before didn't mean that she should become this fascinated. Even if she was starting to strongly suspect that it was enchanted.

Yes. Definitely enchanted. She wet her lips and unconsciously rubbed her hand across his chest. Definitely enchanted. There wasn't a chance such a perfect specimen of manhood could exist without some kind of enchantment. Though to what end? Surely it was a physical inconvenience? Surely...

All of a sudden, a hand grabbed at her breast. Rias gasped in surprise and lifted her hand to slap him - but no, his eyes were still closed. "Nice..." he mumbled. "Mine. I am the king of breasts."

"You are the king of breasts..." Rias found herself repeating. No. Wait a moment. Why was she repeating something like that? Her eyes fell on the clock next to his bed. One in the morning? What? Had she fallen asleep at some point? The last time she had looked it had only turned half past ten! Then she had looked over at his dick and -

His perfect, erect, throbbing co*ck was pointing up at the ceiling. It was so big. Like a sweeping shot of a city that dwelled on a skyscraper. So perfect, so mighty and overwhelming!

Another hand fell upon her breasts, snapping Rias's attention back to the clock. It was now quarter to three in the morning. She was sure she hadn't nodded off that time! What was going on here? She couldn't possibly nod off while healing Issei Hyoudou, the King of Breasts and Owner of her Glorious Rack.

"That's right girls," the King of Breasts said in his sleep. "Can't keep the love to yourself. Oughta spread it around, can't be selfish and hoard it to yourself!"

"C-can't be selfish," Rias repeated. Yes, that was a good point. Come to think of it, her peerage was full of cuties. Girls with whom she could share the love. An image of Akeno appeared in her mind, breasts revealed so that she could push them against her own. Ah, maybe Issei would want to be between them, as the great King of Breasts. Koneko did not have big breasts, but Rias was sure that Issei would still like her little kitty. She wondered how Koneko would look like in a bunny suit, the thought was strangely enticing.

"Gimme a boobjob..." Issei mumbled in his sleep, and Rias was suddenly struck by inspiration. She would never normally demean herself in such a way, but this was a special case. Given how she kept on getting distracted, she would have to heal Issei in a much more direct way than she had originally intended. Yes. Of course. She should channel her energy directly into him by wrapping her breasts around his big fat co*ck.

She crawled around on the bed to get into position much akin to a predator on the prowl. Rias was licking her devilish lips in anticipation. Slowly like a cat hunting a mouse she moved forward until she finally lifted her eyes to look at his p-p-perfect gigantic co*ck. Her brain stopped working for a moment before her task jumped into her mind.

"King of Breasts wants his co*ck titf*cked," Rias mumbled to herself, hefting up her considerable boobflesh, pinning the mighty perfect co*ck squarely in between her own splendid valley of flesh. It fit perfectly. It felt perfect. In fact, it felt so perfect that she came there and then. "Ah! That's right! Take my energy, King of Breasts. Heaaaaal!"

And so she set to her great task, one that would surely go down in history and legend. All the while, unnoticed by either the young devil or her new Pawn, a certain book was glowing gently and a sound could be heard that almost, if you listened closely enough, sounded like a deep rumbling laughter.

Highschool DxD - co*cknosis - Chapter 1 - Lumitiel (2024)
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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.